Uncategorized Nicholas Cirillo Hawk Communications: Gaining Internship Experience Without Leaving Campus The client I chose to work with was Monarchs Hockey. A non-profit organization that aims at providing kids on the… greenk
Uncategorized Lauren Bentivegna One Step Closer to Confidence Throughout my experience with Hawk Communications, I learned a wide variety of skills that I am excited to apply in… greenk
Uncategorized Tiffany Rivera Memories I Will Cherish Forever! I remember the day Professor Keith Green mentioned Hawk Communications in our Public Relations class during the 2021 Spring Semester.… dausa1
Uncategorized Natasha Smith Diving into the Real World Hawk Communications was a class I first heard about through Professor Green, and I was interested in how he talked… dausa1
Uncategorized Meghan O’Neill Hawk Communications: Becoming a Leader In the beginning of this semester, I was not planning on sticking with Hawk Communications. I took it in the… dausa1
Uncategorized Meg Lane Finding My Way in Public Relations My time with Hawk Communications also opened up so many doors to opportunities that have shaped me as an aspiring… dausa1
Uncategorized Kristy Cerini From uncertain and shy to confident and capable I have had the pleasure of taking amazing classes with equally amazing professors, all thanks to the School of Communication… dausa1
Uncategorized Kevin Joel Lizama What to expect when joining a student-led agency that focuses on strategic communication I want to thank Professor Keith Green for the platform he has given us to showcase our public relations work… dausa1
Uncategorized Karla Rivera Brito Hawk Communications: The Direct View of Life After College From the beginning, Montclair State University has taken pride in preparing its students for the future by applying discipline and… dausa1
Uncategorized Gabrielle Barrese Hawk Communications: Not Just a Class, But a Step into The Real World During the Fall 2021 semester, I was lucky to take Hawk Communications, which gave me the opportunity to work with… dausa1
Uncategorized Erin DeVito How A 400 Level Requirement Changed My Senior Year After reading about Hawk Communications and even after seeing some friends in the class I wanted to learn more. I… dausa1
Uncategorized Elena Dalla Torre Internship or College Course? Hawk Communications was both I had the privilege of being part of the Hawks Communications course, which mirrors the structure and work in a… dausa1
Uncategorized Dayana Mendoza Hawk Communications Helped Overcome my Biggest Professional Challenges When I joined the class and found out that other students joined this course for the second time because of… dausa1
Uncategorized Colleen Kelly A Taste of PR Agency Life This semester I had the privilege of working with The Monarchs which is an organization dedicated to serving those with… dausa1
Uncategorized Colin Roper Hawk Communication: Learning Through Adversity Like a majority of my classmates, I selected this class with minimum knowledge before Professor Green sent out an announcement… dausa1
Uncategorized Candace Eason Hawk Communications Expanded my Horizons I came into the Hawk Communications class this semester eager to expand my portfolio and absorb a wealth of knowledge… dausa1
Uncategorized Amanda Edore Not A Class, But an Academia-Altering Experience I began my time at Montclair State University as a Performing Arts major with a passion for social media as… dausa1
Uncategorized Asia Suggs Hawk Communications: Learning to Soar in the Strategic Communication Field During the registration process for the Fall 2021 semester, I saw Hawk Communications listed as a “Special Topics” course. Upon… greenk
Uncategorized Ariel Kaplan Hawk Communications Helps Me Land a Job When I interviewed for Hawk Communications (Hawk) during my sophomore year, I knew that it would be a rewarding experience,… msuproductions
Uncategorized Stevie Vallellanes Hawk Communications: A Stepping Stone During my time at Montclair State University, I participated in numerous projects that exposed me to the real world of… msuproductions
Uncategorized Brianna Behrens Getting “Ready” for the Real World When I registered for Hawk Communications at the end of the fall semester, I didn’t know what to expect. I… msuproductions
Uncategorized Meg Lane Stepping Into the World of Public Relations When I first made my decision to enroll at Montclair State University, one of its main selling-points was the Hawk… msuproductions
Uncategorized Isaias Ramirez Hawk for Life I can’t believe how fast this semester went. It feels like yesterday I logged onto my computer excited to figure… msuproductions
Uncategorized Madelyn Ibanez A Journey to Realizing My Full Potential The day I registered for Hawk Communications; I did it without knowing exactly what the course was about. To be… msuproductions
Uncategorized Julia Worthington Hawk Communications: Leadership Opportunities Originally, Hawk Communications was not on my spring semester schedule but due to another class being cancelled I jumped at… msuproductions
Uncategorized Leslie Gallagher Communication During a Pandemic As the world transitions to being back in-person, we find that we have adapted to this new way of life.… msuproductions
Uncategorized Katie Bank Not the Class I Signed Up for But is the Class I Needed Going into my final semester I was set on taking classes with professors that I knew and classes that caught… msuproductions
Uncategorized Jon Staub Hawk Communications: Setting the stage for success Completing a Communication and Media Arts major at Montclair State University has been a fortunate experience, aside from the unfortunate… msuproductions
Uncategorized Stevie Vallellanes New Jersey Warriors Ever since I was little, I have had a passion for helping others and making people smile. I was also… msuproductions
Uncategorized Kelsey Gilroy Hawk Communications: The Course That Enhanced My Resume Joining Hawk Communications was a last-minute decision that benefitted me in more ways than I ever imagined. If I’m being… msuproductions
Uncategorized Christina Giordano Leveraging Social Media Through Public Relations “If I was down to my last dollar, I’d spend it on Public Relations.” This Bill Gates quote is a… msuproductions
Uncategorized Alma Cats Learning Social Media Management Hawk Communications was not originally on my fall semester schedule. During the summer of 2020, I took a deep dive… msuproductions
Uncategorized Rayane Yamout Finding Resilience as a Student During an Ongoing Pandemic. Hawk Communications is a student-led strategic communication firm designed to give members the opportunity to work with real clients and… msuproductions
Uncategorized Celina Mazon Student Experience During COVID-19 and the Workplace During my 2020 spring semester, I had the pleasure of joining Montclair State University’s student-led Public Relations agency, Hawk Communications.… msuproductions
Uncategorized Caitlyn Hughes We’re All in this Together When it comes to being a part of a Public Relations agency, you need to be a team player. As… msuproductions
Uncategorized Rayane Yamout Student Life During a Pandemic The cultural shift caused by this pandemic affected millions of individuals nationwide. Along with my Montclair State University classmates, I… msuproductions
Uncategorized Jacob Hildreth Learning PR Virtually Before COVID-19 forced Montclair State University to move to virtual learning, I was learning the details of public relations through… msuproductions
Uncategorized Julia Higgins Thought Leadership Throughout my time at Montclair State University, I have been granted amazing opportunities to gain real world experience in the… msuproductions
Uncategorized Stevie Vallellanes Adapting to Change Over the past two semesters I have had the opportunity to be involved with a student-run public relations agency called… msuproductions
Uncategorized Corinne Appel Learning the “Ins and Outs” of PR As a student who felt like social media was my only future path, joining Hawk Communications student-led firm had me… msuproductions
Uncategorized Rachel A. Aquino Stepping Out My Comfort Zone Upon applying for courses this semester, I was thinking about the classes that could benefit me for the future, rather… msuproductions
Uncategorized Angelica Maniscalco A Thoughtful Final Semester For four years, I spent hours at my university, learning how I would execute different strategies in the real world,… msuproductions
Uncategorized Bryant Flores Hawk Communications: How a Last-Minute Class Turned My Semester Around During my time at Montclair State University (MSU), financial insecurities have plagued much of my college experience. I transferred into… msuproductions
Uncategorized Stephanie Woollerton Live Streams are Becoming the New Live Audience In today’s day and age, people do not always have to buy tickets to go to events and concerts since… msuproductions
Uncategorized Theresa Tumminello How A Small Student-Run PR Agency Tackled Coronavirus Obstacles I never thought that the world could shut down in a matter of days. Boy was I wrong, as I… msuproductions
Uncategorized Andrea Albuquerque Obstacles Transform into Opportunities The state that society is in right now with the COVID-19 pandemic has halted numerous aspects of our everyday lives.… msuproductions
Uncategorized Ariel Kaplan Event Management Lessons Through Working with the Montclair Art Museum As the head account executive for the Montclair Art Museum (MAM), for the past two semesters, I have learned a… msuproductions